Roy Einar Dreng & Friends​


Przez nieumyte okna
Świat ma mniejszą rozdzielczość
Nikt wciąż nie wymyślił okularów
Przez które wyglądałby piękniej
Szaleńcy w Internecie
Kłamią z poważaniem
Przez nieumyte okna
Za dnia nie zawsze jest jaśniej
Czy to wiekuiste światło?
Czy tylko pożar, bo kościół płonie?
Przejeżdżam przez puste miasto
W przeładowanym wagonie
Przez nieumyte okna
Pewnie mam zakłamany obraz
A władcy wciąż dzielą się światem
Na podobieństwo Boga
A Bóg jest dziś małą dziewczynką
Mówią, że „zaburzoną społecznie”
Co w ręku trzyma latarkę
W razie awarii oświetleń

I kto ma być temu winien?
Zły król, prezydent chaosu
Czy właśnie ci raczej,
co dotrzymują mu kroku?
Przez nieumyte okna
Świat ma mniejszą rozdzielczość
Nikt wciąż nie wymyślił okularów
Przez które wyglądałby pięknie

Tłumaczenie: Michał Wiraszko

Widział jak kwiaty polne
Nisko schylały głowy
Klękały, potem znikały
Magnolie szeroko rozplotły gałęzie
Jakby go chciały ostrzec przed nocą
A czarny wiatr nie ustawał
Śpiewał swe głuche pieśni
A czarny wiatr nie ustawał
Przynosił niedobre wieści
Widział jak płomień się zbliżał
Za sobą wlókł czarny welon
Na polach zostawiał tylko
Smutek i Armageddon
Choć starał się godzinami
Ugasić go wodą, ugasić modlitwą
To nie podołał Siewca gestami
I razem z polem swym zniknął
I nikt nie mógł pożaru zgasić
Płonęły pola i lasy
A dzwony w kościołach dzwoniły
Głośno na sądne godziny

Tłumaczenie : Michał Wiraszko

Dostrzegam stalowe chmury
Czy tak właśnie smakuje strach?
Czy to ta siła co przenosi góry?
Słyszę pioruny i dzień sądu w snach
A chmury bliżej i bliżej
Niedobry wiatr znowu wieje
Z szaleńców robi ofiary
Bo przecież „rzeczy się dzieją”
Tylko na szczytach władzy

Rzucamy okrągłe zdania
Na coraz mniej okrągłej planecie
Nie zatrzymasz natury
Zwłaszcza na użytek własny
Możesz próbować do śmierci

Swojej siostry i brata
Zdradzać i oszukiwać
Lecz nie zatrzymasz świata
Leją ulewne deszcze
Na wszystkie głowy na świecie

Te, które kłamią i te
Które jeszcze się śmieją

A deszcze leją i leją

Tłumaczenie: Michał Wiraszko

There’s music in my ears
I’m strolling down the road
That will lead me to a place
Where tango dancers go
I’m looking for a woman
That I met in a cantina
I want to see her dancing
See the passion when it flows

Smooth is the dance
This is the chance

The night is kind of moist
The air shivers of perfume
She’s sitting by the table
Like a flower in full bloom
She’ waits for the Latino
To show up, and lead her through the tango
His a dark, handsome gaucho
A dream. One far of gone
Smooth is the dance
This is the chance

Eyes meet and hands clutch
Hips moves and bodies touch
The music is like the ocean’s rhythm
And they’re floating in the sea
His breath has a touch of tobacco
Sweat drips as the dance goes
His chin against her forehead
They’re like shadows in the night
Smooth is the dance
This is the chance

The dance live as the strong wind
Her hair is wildly from the swirling
Heavy passion flirting
Might be a night to win
He dances like Mr. Lorenzo
The man in the old cantina
The one she uses to dream of
In days far of gone
Smooth is the dance
This is the chance

She pulls off her shoes when the dance ends
The Latino went through the entrance
He was that kind of man
Who appears in dreams?
I put down my glass of bourbon
Slide through the door not to disturb them
I’ve seen enough of the dancing
Those days are far from gone.
Smooth is the dance
This is the chance

There’s a gentle breeze whispering as she went for a swim
In the river by her home, in the country up north
Her raven black hair came alive in the stream
In the crystal clear water, she looked like a dream
The girl by the river is blessed by nature
She’s like a fire on a frosty morn.
Her beauty’s stunning like the blooming heather
She’s pure as the honey from the moor

The deep river blues run through her veins
As she sings to her children sweet lullabies
Songs she remembers her grandma used to sing
In the evening shadows by the candlelight
The girl by the river is blessed by nature
She’s like a fire on a frosty morn.
Her beauty’s stunning like the blooming heather
She’s pure as the honey from the moor

Once she moved to the city, for the love of her life
He promised her diamonds if she would be his wife
After three babies born His drinking went astray
Their love turned to rust, and she blew him away
The girl by the river is blessed by nature
She’s like a fire on a frosty morn.
Her beauty’s stunning like the blooming heather
She’s pure as the honey from the moor

The northern lights on fire. On a cold, frosty night
The grouse is nesting in the morning light
Here nobody owns you That’s your kind of life
When one story’s told another comes alive

She sat on her porch, and her mind slipped away
’bout how life is changing throughout the day
You wake up as one person in the morning so bright
And you end up changed, in the dimming of the light
The girl by the river is blessed by nature
She’s like a fire on a frosty morn.
Her beauty’s stunning like the blooming heather
She’s pure as the honey from the moor

He wishes he still was there to hear your song

The sweet, sweet tune, from the days that’s gone.

He should not gulp down the jug of wine. 

But he was so obsessed by your junky mind. 


You told him about your father and his neurotic game

How he treated your mother that died in shame.


His lips touched your eyelid at the break of day.

You were still asleep when he did slide away

He will never return that’s my point of view

Not that he doesn’t want, but you won’t let him do.


Don’t blame yourself for letting him in

It was he who left with his head full of sin


I stumbled upon you at the dancing hall 

Not that you saw me, and I don’t dance at all.

 But I noticed you left with your raincoat on

I grabbed my jacket and tried to track you down


But you were lost in the haze and the night was on the wane 

I felt an emptiness I’ll never feel again.


In the front of your house, I saw his car lined up

He was sitting there waiting for you to show up

You were changing clothes with the curtains drawn

But the light from the room made your silhouette shown


I turned on the light and felt kind of queasy. 

I was no better than him that I thought was so sleazy.


I met him in the park one rainy night

His hair greased by blood and his hands were tied

He staggered around with flickering eyes

He couldn’t even talk because of the fight


But I recognized her shoe left on the path

And I thought It was her I saw running so fast


I left him out there. He was knocked out easy

Like a train, I run, and I saw her just briefly

When she passed the bar where I drink my gin

It was now the moment to catch my queen 

The rain pouring down and my poor heart was strumming

As I hold her in my arms, I felt the whole world was humming

There’s a dandy in a bar 

Drinking vodka as his meal

He had one too many women

Some of them for real

Roll on, Roll-on

What might have been your scheme?

It just ended like a dream.


At the mirror on the wall

She squinting all in vain

Heavy makeup hiding

Lines caused by pain

Roll on, Roll-on

What might have been your scheme?

It just ended like a dream.


Man stand blinded by the sun

In his hands a hunting gun

His factory shut down

A family on the run

The future black as night

No morning light insight

What might have been your scheme?

Just ended as a dream

Roll on. Roll-on

What might have been your scheme?

It just ended like a dream.


Widow steering through the glass

As she’s waiting for the past

But the past is not to come

He is forever gone

Roll on, Roll-on

What might have been your scheme? 

Ended like a dream

In the glow of the dim streetlight 

Restless she’s waiting for a ride

A needle keeps the spirit upright

In the middle of the night


A black Mercedes gliding 

Down along the Ocean Boulevard 

Seeking the hungry hour

In the middle of the night


No moonbeam pierce through midnight 

No cold iron stars to see

A saxophone plays a love song 

Through the gate of liberty


The peddler on faltering steps

Soon ready to fade away

Too much downtown bourbon

In the middle of the night


She pulled on her faded nightgown 

Bought for the better days

Dreaming of her long-gone lover

In the middle of the night


No moonbeam pierce through midnight 

No cold iron stars to see

A saxophone plays a love song 

Through the gate of liberty


Someone lies in the gutter 

in the glow of the dim street light

A  black Mercedes gliding away

In the middle of the night

 I’m gazing out my window
Were Bluebells praise the day
I then recall a story
My mind was swept away
About a family in the mountains
Where life is harsh and rough
How they hold on to their dream
In worship faith and endless love

The wind blows smoothly as the day run slowly
And you know there is no sin in true love.

Laurie was the oldest
Her age was 17
A radiant kind of beauty
Dressed in linen from the field
She had this neighbor boyfriend
As tall as any oak
They live up in the mountains
Where they breathe the air of God

The variety of months
Makes every season strong
Springtime turns to autumn.
As winter hangs around
With snow deep as a man’s height
Hiding all the creeks.
Away up in the mountain a young couple touching cheeks.

Through rough and hungry hours
They struggle as they pray
Grace and meekness fils their souls
When their fields turn green one day
They melt their song together
Their bond where oh so strong
To survive up in the mountains
You must prove that you belong

Ref : Take a ride back where your home is

Take the train. Just get on board

Even if there is no free ride

Have faith and get on board


You‘ve been walking for so long now

Your feet are sore night want to come

Your head is weary, and you’re lonely

Take the train where you belong


Ref: Take a ride back…

It is there for stolen moments

A place to rest when the day is done

Where the comfort is protected

Just get ready and get it done


Ref: Take a ride back



I have travelled east and west

And this pierced me through the heart 

People cry for mercy 

As they stumbled through the dark.

I tried my best to save them 

But there was really nothing I could do

Have mercy on their souls

 I’ll lean my faith on you.


Ref: Take a ride back..…


The entire search for where the truth is.

Behind masks and folded arms

In the eyes of a beaten 

In the grave of good lucks charm


Ref: Take a ride back..

I have to say it worries me

Or scares me to the bone

The Fish farming industry 

And the way they grow


They pollute and deny

all their dirty deeds 

The black wind is howling

the environment bleeds


Ref: And the government allows 

Government Fails 

complexed interests

Have I heard that tale


Fish farm industry

has become a rotten game

And we live in this land 

of ecologic shame


They make a lot of money,

on this aquaculture scene

Of course, they can afford 

To make the business clean



I’m not surprised at all

that the government allows

They have a lot of interests 

in this silver and gold


It’s a tangled situation 

The clouds dark and grey

We all know what it takes 

To stop the environment decay


For decades the governments

Had blindfolded eyes

Who can you trust

When it comes to this crime


It’s a crime against nature 

it’s a crime against the world

It’s a crime against the innocent

It’s a crime we need to hurl


Are you in love with me?

Just can’t believe it

Do you really know?

Can you truly feel it?

My finger on your doorbell

And I’m six feet from your kiss


The leaves are gone 

It’s slowly turning   

In this winter night

A log fire burning

A blizzard will appear

 I’m Six feet from your kiss


Got the picture of you 

And my heart was bleeding

Wrote you a letter

cause I heard your pleading

I straighten my coat

I’m six feet from your kiss



Your life was so hard. You toiled through the day

The night took your tears and hid them away

No one could see that the end was that close

I tried  to heal a heart that was crushed


You’re dancing alone

Your hips are moving

The night is so cold 

But I can see that you’re glowing

My finger on your doorbell

And I’m six feet from your kiss

I saw your face among the crowd

Your head held high. You seemed so proud

I met your eyes. They were fiery brown

Your beauty stroked me. You knocked me down.


I picked up a thought and gave it to you

It means much more than flowers do

I whispered something in your ear

Something that could bring me so near


You mumbled something about the book of Ruth

I took off my cross and gave it to you

You returned my gesture with a kiss on my cheek 

I almost panicked and stopped to breath


I picked up a thought and gave it to you

It means much more than flowers do

I whispered something in your ear

Something that could bring me so near


I want your hand in the palm of mine

Will save it there, with humble pride

To be honest with you, and praise the day

If we only knew love won’t fade away


I picked up a thought and gave it to you

It means much more than flowers do

I whispered something in your ear

Something that could bring me so near

There s something sneaky about this place

Can you sense it from your spot?

Warning signs all over

If you trespass you’ll be shot

This land fed you for a thousand years

Now there’s nothing you can do

 It rumbles in my head as I thought

Greed shows its face on you


The riot squad with banners 

Are screaming out their rage

Another soldier took a life

He’s trapped in someone’s cage

Who wants to rule a kingdom?

And invade your country too.

 I knew it as I saw the news

Greed shows its face on you



In every nook and cranny, we’re searching for the oil

Salmon farms in every fiord since a long time lost control

We pollute, and we plunder as we’re hiding from the truth

More I learn, more I know

Greed shows its face on you.


You wonder how religion became a dirty lie.

Use Jesus and the other one as a disguise for awful crimes

The beauty of religion is washed in blood my men who rule

You just don’t care about your next of kin 

When greed’s all over you.


She’s getting way too weak now. He can’t help her anymore

They moved her to a nursing home He’ll visit her for sure

But she has to share her room. So no privacy will do

You don’t build rooms for everyone

When greed’s all over you.

You can do what you want, You can do what you must

You can do, as they say, You can choose who to trust

You can meet the one you need, it doesn’t matter to me

I’m marching to the beat of my own drum


All those restless souls, with no peace in mind

All those friendless kids, not feeling fine

All those blinded parents that don’t cope with time

 I’m marching to the beat of my own drum


A newspaperman with lying lips

Always someone, with doubtful tips

They point their pen and fire the gun

I’m marching to the beat of my own Drum


Trash and dirt floating  ’round

Politician lies and nothing is done

Buy emission credits so we can feed the scum

I’m marching to the beat of my own drum


Day by day goes on like this

At the end of the line, I’ll make a wish

That there’s an opportunity in every kiss 

I’m marching to the beat of my own drum

This is a story of jilted love

From where the lotus flowers bloom

Are you a man in the body of a woman?

You too got family by blood 

But you’re born under a black moon   


Hijra, hijra

Does the snake in you appear? Do you want to cause fear?

Cast a spell on your host. Are you really a ghost? 

Sad, sad is your twinkling eye.


He wants you at his wedding and when his child is born.

You perform your hypnotic dance.

When the night turns black, He wants you back

To give him pleasure on the darkest track.  


Hijra, Hijra

Does the snake in you appear? Do you want to cause fear?

Cast a spell on your host. Are you really a ghost? 

Sad, sad is your twinkling eye.


Your life is narrow in many ways

They say you live the seven sins

With your chelas waiting on your holy ground

You’re mystic; you’re my dancing twin


Hijra, Hijra

Does the snake in you appear? Do you want to cause fear?

Cast a spell on your host. Are you really a ghost? 

Sad, sad is your twinkling eye.


Babies gone, and children disappear.

You were seen in the neighborhood

Wearing a torch after dark. Hungry as a shark      

You that have eyes like an angel’s heart?                                                                                                                                                                              


Hijra, Hijra

Does the snake in you appear? Do you want to cause fear?

Cast a spell on your host. Are you really a ghost? 

Sad, sad is your twinkling eye.


How’s living this way? Are you pleasant and gay?

You that’s so hunted, fragile and forlorn

Have you someone to love

When your age turns to gold

You that’s born under a black moon

In a house, by the lake, on the outskirt of town.

Oldman Jacob sitting by the window

A half-sunk boat in the reeds. Catches his eye

Rain in the air, thunder from the sky

His rubber boots covered with mud


The rain was pouring down, and his poor heart was pumping

His fingertips tapped on the table

As his voice starts humming


He could see her in the twilight, and his heart grew black

A moaning song tossed from the wind

Someone is doomed, by death and sin

A stone was thrown with a pitch-black grin

A body dragged through the mud


He swept his hand through his greasy hair

Sweaty with bullied eyes

Old man Jacob wipe off the dirt

You could feel the weight of the stone

That burdened his heart


The rain was pouring down, and his poor heart was pumping

His fingertips tapped on the table

As his voice starts humming


He went to her that once used to be

He looked wild like the roaring sea

I’m back for your love, I cut the chain

Let’s drink a toast, come and ride with me

And leave all misery


The woman was scared, and her mind felt a blast

She grabbed the pistol from her purse

A shot rang out and a piece of led poked in

Her lover was down so fast

Like a broken twig


Like a fever, she nodded against the wall

That her shadow was printed upon

She couldn’t believe that her wish came through

But she had to take him down

And leave before the dawn


The rain was pouring down, and her poor heart was pumping

Her fingertips tapped on the table

And her voice start humming


The stage is empty
His battles done
The day goes dim
Its time to move on
the yellow moon stage light
silhouetted the clown
The sound of his crying
Still hanging around,
It is The voice of the actor /Who lived on the stage
The radiant jewel /The poet laureate
Preached The gospel of acting
/with passion and love
The scene is empty/ the lights are turned down low
A talented man
who drank the blood of his art
Who showed us the master
in heartfelt parts
He was their muse
Now the audience has gone
The theatre is empty,
but his soul’s still around.
It is The voice of the actor /Who lived on the stage
The radiant jewel /The poet laureate
Preached The gospel of acting
/with passion and love
The scene is empty/ the lights are turned down low
I follow the path in the hour of the dark
I saw Milosz, Kantor, and you in the park
The torch in your hand, you hold it with pride
Things fall into place on the other side

Pusta jest scena

Batalie stoczone

Dzień zapada zmrokiem

Pora już iść dalej

Reflektorem podświetlone

Błazna obliczona przed złotym księżycem

nadal echem unoszonym

Dźwięki jego szlochu

To dźwięk jego głosu/scena była nim

Promieniał jak kryształ/Poeta zwyciezca

Opiewał aktorstwa kazaniem

/miłością jestem pasjonatem

Pusta jest scena, światła przyciemniały

Pil swojej krewnej sztuki

Swojego talentu

Pokazano w zaułkach serca

Sekret swojego fachu

Publiczność rozeszła się,

To dla nich był muzą

Teatr opustoszał

A dusza aktora nadal się unosi

To dźwięk jego głosu/scena była nim

Promieniał jak kryształ/Poeta zwyciezca

Opiewał aktorstwa kazaniem

/miloscia I pasja

Pusta jest scena, światła przyciemniały

W ciemności po zmroku, ścieżka biegnie dalej

Widze w parku idzie Miłosz, Kantor i ty

Trzymaj w dłoni światła w kaganku

Wszystko się ułoży, motywuje do poranku

Tłumaczenie: Piotr Skibiński

Przewiń do góry